What is Ayuh?

Sustainable Life || Longevity

“Ayuh” translates to longevity that blooms from the roots of sustainable practices of the body and mind.

At The Ayuh Project, we aim to reignite the connection between body, breath and mind and help you rediscover yourself. We give you a new Origin.

We promote living a long healthy life, one deep breath at a time.


Multiple Styles

Classes in different types of Yoga and movement 


Pro Instructors

Professionally-trained instructors with extensive practice and teaching experience


Accessible Content

Approachable teachers and videos of enrolled classes available online


What people say about us
  • I started my yoga journey in April 2020 with Meghna and it has been a great decision. I had never been consistent with any form of physical exercise until I started practicing yoga. It has not only improved my strength, flexibility and stability manifold but has also helped me get more consistent with other forms of exercises. Meghna is extremely patient while teaching — she never loses her cool and is always enthusiastic to explain further.

    Srinidhi Ananthanarayanan
    Hyderabad, India
  • Yoga with Meghna helped me discover the right medium to help my fitness. Initially, I would marvel at how close I was to the floor when we practiced forward folds. Now, I can consistently lift myself into a half-headstand. I’m more mindful now and the length of my breaths getting longer in Savasana. Meghna would guides me countless times, teaching me to be patient and now, I can clearly see the results of my hard work and sweat.

    Ashwini Rangaraj
    Iowa, United States
  • I have been learning Ashtanga yoga with Meghna for a little over a year. My experience with her as a teacher has been amazing. She is very patient with her students and takes time to explain each asana and demonstrate it multiple times until we get it right. Every yoga session with Meghna is fulfilling and challenging. Each class is different from the other and we usually have a whole body workout throughout the week. 

    Aishwarya Rangaraj
    California, USA
  • I joined Yoga with Meghna with the only assumption that yoga is for peace and body balance. Within two weeks of my training, I have been seeing a lot of positive changes in my body. In one month. I was surprised to see muscle build and toning. Meghna is a very attentive teacher with an equal focus on everyone in her class. I am sometimes astonished at her ability to spot every wrong posture and correct it.


    Bhavana Reddy
    Hyderabad, India

Contact Us

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Hyderabad – 500029
Telangana, India.