About The Ayuh Project

The Ayuh Project aims to nurture a community that is seeking to build a sustainable and mindful life through conscious movement. 

If you are in the quest for a deep-rooted connection with yourself, The Ayuh Project is your place to be. Through a body-aware yoga practice propelled by endurance, strength and most importantly, breath, The Ayuh Project will lead you to the power of YOU. 

Currently, the forms of movement that The Ayuh Project offers to teach in a structured framework are Yoga and in due course, animal flow.

About me

Hi, I am Meghna, a Movement Enthusiast.
I began my journey with conscious movement as an eight-year-old, discovering dance through Kuchipudi. Today, this journey has evolved into a spiritual and philosophical endeavour, complementing my fitness journey. Movement moulded me during my days as a practising artist and an active athlete. During my tenure as a chartered accountant, I lost touch with movement and my fitness suffered as a result. Unsurprisingly, it affected my physical and mental health.

It was time to make changes and I took my first intentional steps towards a sustainable lifestyle. In a span of six years, I explored various forms of movement including functional training, long-distance running, and Crossfit before I chanced upon the perfect fit for me — YOGA. 

Yoga breathed fire into me — it gave me the building blocks to form a connection with myself and design the sustainable path that I had envisioned. 

As a dancer, practice and consistency have remained key to growth and learning. It is the same essence that drew me to Yoga — to experience rooted growth and conscious learning — through the two principles of practice and consistency. 

A slow but surefire way to bloom. 

Our Yoga Philosophy

Yoga is often called the dance between movement and stillness. Using movement, meditation, and breathing techniques, Yoga offers the most sustainable path to robust physical and mental health. The Ayuh Project’s practice finds its roots and strength from five tenets:

Yogas Chitta Vritti Nirodhah

Finding peace by channelling Yoga to still fluctuations of the mind.


Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam

Achieving excellence through Yoga, learning to be skilful in action.


Yad Bhavam Tad Bhavati

Defining yourself through the power of manifestation.


Samatvam Yogah Uchyate

Yoga teaches you to move forward irrespective of your situation.


Sthira Sukham Asanam

Seeking balance through stability and softness.

Hours trained
Class hours