Yoga is the answer to all questions..

Can I eat/drink water before practicing yoga?
Can I practice yoga when I am on my period?
How can I prepare for my online Yoga class?
How many students are part of each class/batch?
Can I practice Yoga even though I have a health condition?
Will I lose weight by practicing yoga?
I have been practicing yoga on an off, can I join the Intermediate/Advanced classes?
Will I be able to access recordings of the classes?
What if I miss some sessions that I have subscribed for? Can I do it later?

It is best to practice Yoga on an empty stomach — we suggest you have your meal two-three hours before a session. If you do get hungry before practice, a few nuts or half a banana will be advisable. A full stomach needs the energy to digest the food efficiently; practising Yoga right after a meal directs your energy towards the muscles and consequently, digestion is hindered. 

Some women prefer to rest completely during their period. However, practicing yoga during the period has proven to ease discomfort for a lot of women. One can choose a gentle practice avoiding inversions and intense twists. In essence, it is best to listen to your body.

A yoga mat, a good internet connection, and an open mind is all you need for the practice. Make sure that you set yourself up in an angle that ensures that you and your mat are visible to the teacher when you are sitting, standing, or lying down.

Due to a mix of factors, the number of students in each batch varies every day and every month. The mix between old students and new intakes is well balanced and be assured that you will be given the attention required and will be able to see the teacher (and not the other students) at all times.

Consistent practice of yoga has proven to help manage, if not cure many conditions such as back pain, thyroid imbalances and many other autoimmune conditions. However, do make sure that you communicate all such conditions that the teacher must be aware of before you start your practice journey.

Every individual’s weightloss journey is unique and it happens as a result of many factors such as improvement in your lifestyle, exercise, robust nutrition, and good sleep to name a few. It also largely depends on your genetics. Yoga does complement your weight loss journey as long as it is consistently practiced. 

It will be helpful for the teacher to understand your level of practice. For example, what style of yoga you have practiced and for how long, which asanas you are good at etc. Please share this information using the Contact Me form to determine if you are ready for the Evolution and Resonance classes.

The videos of your enrolled classes will be available for two days from the date of live class.

Every subscription comes with a validity. The monthly subscriptions are not eligible for extensions and missed classes cannot be made up for later.

Long term subscriptions come with the benefit of extension. You will get an extension of one week on 3 month subscriptions, 2 weeks on 6 month subscriptions and 3 weeks on yearly subscriptions – provided you give at least one week of advance notice.